On December 23, 2024 Hecate reapplied to the New York Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) for a permit to build a massive industrial-scale solar energy facility in Copake, NY. The 42 MW facility will sprawl over 700 acres within the Taghkanic Creed Watershed, the sole source of water to the City of Hudson. Tens of thousands of solar panels will cover 215 acres that are currently farmland and forest.
The public has a chance to provide input to ORES on this process—more on that later.
In the meantime, while ORES is the permitting agency, it reports to the Governor. She and our other elected officials should be made aware of our strong opposition to Shepherd’s Run. We urge you to make your views known now to Governor Kathy Hochul and Lt. Governor Anthony Delgado.
Call or write to Governor Kathy Hochul and Lt. Governor Anthony Delgado and let them know you oppose Shepherd’s Run as currently proposed.
Governor Kathy Hochul
Lt. Governor Anthony Delgado
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
OR send a short email, indicating you oppose the Shepherd’s Run 42MW solar facility proposed for Copake NY, because it takes prime agricultural land and threatens the watershed that supplies the City of Hudson. It is easy to email using this link, HERE.